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Year 9 Options

In Year 9 you’ll need to pick subjects you’ll study in Year 10 and 11.

You can get a copy of the 'Options Booklet' here



What are the choices available?

You are about to make some very important decisions about the subjects that you will follow for the next two years in school. It is extremely important that you take time and care when reading all the information in this booklet.

There are a number of subjects that will be new to you so be really sure that you know the type of work you will be expected to carry out if you choose one of them.   There is a lot of information for you but if you are unsure about any of it please contact the teachers in the subject areas and talk to them about it. Your parents / carers will also be able to give you help and advice about the best choices.

The Key Stage 4 Curriculum.

Your curriculum (timetable) will be made up from two types of subject: Core and Option.

The Core Curriculum.

EVERYONE must study the following subjects for the next two years:

English language and English Literature



Physical Education 

PSHE including Careers and Sex Education

Your Option Choices.

It is essential that you choose as wide a variety of subjects as possible so that you are following a broad, balanced curriculum which will leave your pathways at 16 much more open. We are offering an exciting range of subjects but...

... you also need to be aware that some options may be withdrawn if there are insufficient pupil numbers for that subject.

You will need to select in order of preference a number of subjects from which we will select the courses that you will follow.

There are two main types of courses: 

GCSE – These are traditional academic qualifications and a major way that these courses are assessed is through exams at the end of Year 11.

Other Level 2 Qualifications eg BTECs and Vocational Awards -  These are vocational courses linked to careers and jobs. The major way in which they are assessed is through coursework but there may also be external examinations as part of the course assessment.

The English Baccalaureate

Students who achieve 5 good grades (grade 5 and above) in the following subject areas will achieve the EBacc:

  • English

  • Maths

  • Science

  • History or Geography

  • A modern foreign language

Many of you will follow a curriculum which allows you to achieve the EBacc. 

Subject Videos


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MFL - French, Spanish, Urdu

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Art and Design

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Design and Technology - Product Design

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Computer Science and DT

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What else do I need to think about?

Try to think about your long-term plans.

Here are some useful websites to help you think about careers and Post-16 options.