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News and Letters

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  • Year 8 update - February

    Published 14/02/25

    Dear Family,

    Year 8 have been making the most of the opportunities available this half term, with students involved in ‘Into University’, a project aimed at increasing awareness of future destinations. Year 9 have been awarded over 3550 praise points this half term for demonstrating exemplary behaviour - well done! Additionally, over 4000 pieces of home learning were completed by the year group, well done! A reminder that there is home learning due everyday, and the timetable can be found here:


    A huge well done to the 19 students who have had 100% attendance half term. A reminder that students need to aim for at least 95% attendance. An attendance of 90% means 117 missed lessons per year, and attendance of 80% means 234 missed lessons per year. 

    Uniform and equipment

    A reminder that all students should be wearing a Co-op Academy Leeds branded blazer or v-neck jumper; please ensure your child has one of these items to wear. Additionally, on PE days, students need to wear Co-op Academy Leeds branded PE kit - plain black is not an appropriate substitute for this. Uniform items are available from the Jo Brand Uniform shop. 

    All students must be equipped with a pencil case containing black pens, red pens, pencils, and a ruler. These items are available to purchase from the academy for a discounted price. 

    Academy return

    Co-op Academy Leeds reopens on Monday 24th February at 08.15 am. We are looking forward to welcoming your child back into the academy to start another half term of learning! 

    Parents Evening

    A reminder that parents evening is on Thursday the 13th of March.

    Arbor app 

    To access your child’s behaviour log, download the Arbor Parent app using the QR codes. With this, you can see attendance information, praise points, and behaviour points. 

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Best wishes,

    Mrs Field

    Deputy Headteacher 

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  • Year 10 update - February

    Published 14/02/25

    Dear Family,

    As we reach the end of this half-term, I want to take a moment to reflect on the progress Year 10 students have made and to thank you for your ongoing support. This has been a crucial period in their academic journey, with students continuing to develop their knowledge, skills, and independence as they work towards their GCSEs. We are incredibly proud of their dedication and resilience, and we appreciate the role you play in encouraging and guiding them through this important stage.


    Year 10 has had some positive weeks for attendance, but there is a long way to go. Please remember that we do not authorise days off school for ‘minor childhood ailments’ such as stomach ache, headaches or coughs and colds. Please encourage your child to come into school every day to build resilience. Year 10 attendance so far this Spring Term is lower than the Autumn Term, so we look forward to seeing Year 10 students in school, on time, every day after the Half-Term break. 

    Uniform and equipment

    A reminder that all students should be wearing a Co-op Academy Leeds branded blazer or v-neck jumper; please ensure your child has one of these items to wear. Additionally, on PE days, students need to wear Co-op Academy Leeds branded PE kit - plain black is not an appropriate substitute for this. Uniform items are available from the Jo Brand Uniform shop. 

    All students must be equipped with a pencil case containing black pens, red pens, pencils, and a ruler. These items are available to purchase from the academy for a discounted price. 

    Academy return

    Co-op Academy Leeds reopens on Monday 24th February at 08.15 am. We are looking forward to welcoming your child back into the academy to start another half term of learning! 

    Arbor app 

    To access your child’s behaviour log, download the Arbor Parent app using the QR codes. With this, you can see attendance information, praise points, and behaviour points. 

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Best wishes,

    Miss Pearson 

    Assistant Headteacher

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  • Year 11 update - February

    Published 14/02/25

    Dear Parent / Carer,

    As we approach the  holidays, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the term gone by and to share some important updates and information with you. This term has been a busy and productive one for Year 11 students, who are continuing to make great strides in their academic and personal development. 


    Year 11 attendance has taken a dip over the past few weeks. There has been a lot of illness and many students with excellent attendance have had to take days off school for the first time this year. We hope to return in February, fully rested and recovered, ready to be in school - on time, every day. 

    We return on Monday 24th and a full uniform is expected. Please use half term to check your child's uniform to avoid unnecessary disruption to their learning. 

    After the half term break our Year 11 students will undertake their second set of mock GCSE examinations.

    Please find the timetable for these exams below:

    February Mock Timetable for option subjects

    Please help us to ensure that your child achieves their best possible outcomes by supporting them to revise effectively for the examinations. Below you can find details of what they need to revise for each subject, how to do this and which resources they have been provided with (copies can also be found on google classroom).

    February Mock Timetable

    Year 11 Revision Offer WC 24th February 

    Arbor Parent App

    We encourage all parents to use the Parent Arbor App to stay informed about their child’s progress, attendance, and other essential updates. To ensure everyone can access this important resource, we invite you to join our CAL in the Community sessions. During these sessions, our staff will provide guidance on downloading and using the app. If you need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

    From 13 January 2025, all communication will be sent to the Parent App rather than via text messages.  Please download to ensure that you don’t miss any important messages from the Academy.

    Arbor Parent App: Please download the Arbor Parent app using the QR codes

    Best wishes.

    Miss Fox

    Deputy Headteacher 

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  • Year 7 update - February

    Published 14/02/25

    Dear Family,

    Another successful half term for our year 7 who accumulated the most of the praise points and homework logs! Well done year 7! Our Year 7 have done us proud again with an exemplary behaviour and attitude with University of Leeds during Dental Workshops for which we have received a lot of praise!

    The Academy closes on 14th February at 3.05 pm and it reopens on Monday 24th February at 08.15 am. We are looking forward to welcoming your child back into the academy to start another half term of learning! A reminder that there is home learning due every day, and the timetable can be found here:


    A huge well done to the 35 students who have had 100% attendance and above this half term. A reminder that students need to aim for at least 95% attendance. An attendance of 90% means 117 missed lessons per year, and attendance of 80% means 234 missed lessons per year.

    Uniform and equipment

    A reminder that all students should be wearing a Co-op Academy Leeds branded blazer or v-neck jumper; please ensure your child has one of these items to wear. Uniform items are available from the Jo Brand Uniform shop.

    All students must be equipped with a pencil case containing black pens, red pens, pencils, and a ruler. These items are available to purchase from the academy for a discounted price.

    Arbor app

    To access your child’s behaviour log, download the Arbor Parent app using the QR codes. With this, you can see attendance information, praise points, and behaviour points.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Best wishes,

    Miss Radu

    Assistant Headteacher

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  • Y11 Revision and Mock Examinations

    Published 12/02/25

    Dear Parent/Guardian,

    As you are aware, Year 11 is an important year for your child with their GCSE exams. To prepare them for this, we will be sitting a set of mock examinations when we return from the February half term. 

    The timetable for the February mock exams is below. In some cases, break and lunch times will be adjusted to fit in longer exams - your child will still be able to have their breaks and get something to eat in these times. Breakfast club is also available to every student free of charge from 8am - 8.15am, meaning they can have something to eat before each exam.

    It is important that students thoroughly prepare for these exams, as the predicted grades that these create will be used to apply to college and for further study. They should be starting to plan their revision for these exams - further support will be given in tutor time and from their subject teachers. Exams will be conducted under full exam regulations to give a proper experience of exam sitting.

    In addition, there are regular revision sessions running in school. These offer a great opportunity to get subject specific support in the run up to the mock exam, and it is really important that your child attends as many of these sessions as they can. There are some students for whom attendance is compulsory for some subjects, and they should go to these sessions as a priority. The timetable for these revision sessions is also below. 

    The library is also open to Year 11 students every break and lunch, and after school until 4pm, to provide a quiet space to study. Students should be revising and working in a quiet place free from distractions and giving themselves regular breaks to make sure their revision is useful.

    Yours sincerely,

    Miss S Walker

    Examination Officer

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  • February Half-Term Revision

    Published 12/02/25

    Dear Parent / Guardian,

    I hope this letter finds you well. We are pleased to inform you that, in preparation for upcoming assessments and to provide additional support for our Year 11 students, we will be offering a series of revision sessions throughout the February half-term break. These sessions have been specifically designed to help our students consolidate their learning and boost their confidence ahead of their mock exams.

    The timetable for the revision sessions is attached to this letter. We encourage all students to attend the sessions relevant to their subjects to make the most of this valuable opportunity.

    To ensure the safety and smooth running of the sessions, students are required to enter the Academy via the Student Reception and sign in upon arrival.

    We appreciate your support in encouraging your child to attend these sessions. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Yours sincerely,

    Miss Pearson 

    Assistant Headteacher

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  • February Half-Term Revision

    Published 10/02/25

    Dear Parent / Guardian,

    I hope this letter finds you well. We are pleased to inform you that, in preparation for upcoming assessments and to provide additional support for our Year 11 students, we will be offering a series of revision sessions throughout the February half-term break. These sessions have been specifically designed to help our students consolidate their learning and boost their confidence ahead of their mock exams.

    The timetable for the revision sessions is attached to this letter. We encourage all students to attend the sessions relevant to their subjects to make the most of this valuable opportunity. Please complete this Google Form to select the sessions you would like to book for the half-term. You must book your slots by Wednesday 5th to confirm your attendance, as this will allow us to plan for numbers. Link: Revision Attendance

    To ensure the safety and smooth running of the sessions, students are required to enter the Academy via the Student Reception and sign in upon arrival.

    We appreciate your support in encouraging your child to attend these sessions. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Yours sincerely,

    Miss Pearson 

    Assistant Headteacher

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  • RAISED in Yorkshire - Oral Health Workshops

    Published 06/02/25

    We had some fantastic feedback from our visitors RAISED in Yorkshire.

    "I just wanted to say a huge thank you for allowing our RAISED in Yorkshire team to come and deliver a workshop to on Oral Health.

    Given that in Yorkshire an average of 45% of children start secondary school with decayed and missing teeth. This is strongly correlated with health inequalities and social deprivation – resulting in adolescents experiencing pain (toothache), low self-esteem, bullying, and absenteeism. These are shocking statistics, given it is a largely preventable condition.

    Reach to those that need it most has traditionally been so difficult. RAISED in Yorkshire (RiY) is a trying to address this through empowering young people about their oral health and its importance to their general health and well-being.

    We also provided in many of the forms the start of a Dental Career talk to raise aspirations early! We would be happy to do more on this to older years too.

    Coop Academy Leeds plays a significant part in our RAISED in Yorkshire (RiY)  program – being our “training school”.

    The RiY team visited your school – this is a big logistical exercise with 95 external visitors:

    • 71 Year 12 students 9
    • 9 trainers (newly qualified dental team)
    • 8 members of the Core University team
    • And 7 accompanying teachers from the sixth formers schools

    We were made very welcome by Mr Sleman. The reception staff worked hard ahead of our visit by getting the DBS screening undertaken for all of our staff/dentist trainers and provided a register for our Year 12 students.

    We spent the afternoon providing engaging oral health workshops for Year 7 (including those where English is not their first language). The school staff were informed, supportive and very welcoming.

    Above all, we all remarked on the excellent behaviour and engagement of the Year 7 students. I saw one of the Year 12’s using the quickly acquired term “Quality Audience 1,2, & 3” (shared by the teacher) and the classroom fell into attentive quiet. It was highly impressive.

    We had a fantastic time and all 71 Year 12 students passed their competencies in delivering the education event. A big thank you to Year 7 who were all so well behaved.

    The Year 12 students graduated as RiY Student Research Fellows and will continue as oral health ambassadors in their own schools and will lead citizen science projects on oral health.

    Thank you for supporting this important work. We look forward to working with you again in Spring 2026."

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  • Year 9 Vaccinations

    Published 30/01/25

    Dear parent/guardian,  

    The nurses will be in school on Friday 14th February to vaccinate the YEAR 9 pupils against Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) and Meningitis (Men ACWY).

    Please complete the Vaccination Consent Form here…

    The code for your child’s school is: EE137065

    If you do not want your child to receive the vaccination, it is important to complete the refusal section on the form.

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  • Year 11 Key Information

    Published 29/01/25

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    As we approach Week 4 of the new half-term, I wanted to share some important updates to support your child as they prepare for the vital months ahead in Year 11.

    February Mock Examinations

    The February mocks are fast approaching, and these will play a crucial role in preparing students for their final GCSE examinations. It is essential that students are consistently revising, attending all lessons, and making the most of the resources and support available to them. The library is open every evening until 4:30 pm where students can complete independent study. 

    Afterschool Revision Sessions

    We are committed to providing comprehensive support for Year 11 students. A structured revision programme is in place every afternoon after school. These sessions are specifically designed to help students consolidate their learning, address areas of need, and prepare effectively for their exams. You can find further details about the sessions here:

    Y11 Revision Offer Phase 2 24-25.docx

    Compulsory Period 7 Lessons

    All Year 11 students who have been allocated compulsory Period 7 lessons must attend these sessions. These lessons are a vital opportunity for students to receive additional support in specific subject areas to help them achieve their full potential.

    Attendance at these sessions is mandatory, and we cannot stress enough their importance in preparing for the upcoming exams. Students who fail to attend without a valid reason will face sanctions, including a two-hour detention for truancy.

    The Importance of Attendance 

    Year 11 attendance is being closely monitored in the run-up to the Summer exams. It is critical that students are attending school everyday in order to reach their full potential in their exams. School starts at 8.25am, with some students attending earlier revision sessions. Year 11 must be in school on time to access their Tutor group session. Every day of absence is 6 lessons lost - this missed learning time could mean the difference between achieving target grades, or not. Over the next few weeks, Miss Fox and Miss Young will be sending letters home and visiting the homes of students whose attendance is of concern. Please contact the Attendance Improvement Team if you would like any further support with your child’s attendance.

    Thank you for your ongoing commitment to your child’s education. Together, we can help them succeed and reach their full potential.

    Best wishes.

    Miss Pearson 

    Assistant Headteacher

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  • Y9 & Y11 Parents Evening - 9/01/25

    Published 08/01/25

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Just a reminder that tomorrow is parents evening for Year 9 and Year 11. 

    This is now running from 2pm until the earlier time of 5pm due to the ice around school and the forecast low temperatures. 

    If you would like someone to call you about your child’s learning, please contact the school office at 

    Best wishes

    Miss N Jones


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