Careers Overview
Sometimes we call it CEIAG – that’s Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.
It’s lots of words to describe all the ways we’ll support you on your career journey.
We assess the impact of the careers programme in 2 ways.
Firstly we ask the students. In a recent survey 84% of students said ‘Teachers refer to employability skills in my lessons’. 74% said ‘Teachers refer to different careers linked to the subjects I study’, 77% said ‘I can talk about careers in school without stereotyping’, 80% said ‘I recognise that as I go through school I am changing/developing in my strengths, weaknesses, progress and career preferences’ and 68% said ‘I have access to lots of careers opportunities e.g. talking to employers, visiting workplaces, careers fairs, working with different businesses in school’. We will be improving these figures as we move through the year.
We also measure impact by looking at the % of students who remain in education, employment and training for at least 3 years following their departure from our academy and also how many students access post-16 study or training. Some of our careers activities have individual evaluation systems. For example, Burberry Inspire aims to impact on social mobility and improve the knowledge and skills students have in relation to creative careers. The impact of this project is being evaluated by the Burberry Foundation in partnership with University College London.
Who can you contact about careers?
Careers Lead – Rebecca Fox
Careers, Enterprise and NEET Coordinator – Tarren Williams