Our Curriculum Offer
Embrace challenge; be your best self, always.
Our curriculum exists to challenge students to be their best self.
Phase 2 Curriculum Overview - Year 7
Phase 2 Curriculum Overview - Year 8
Phase 2 Curriculum Overview - Year 9
Phase 1 Curriculum Overview - Year 7
Phase 1 Curriculum Overview - Year 8
Phase 1 Curriculum Overview - Year 9
‘Everyone is entitled to powerful knowledge; we grasp it through hard work, it tasks us beyond our everyday experiences and it is the best truth that can be known.’
At Co-op Academy Leeds we believe that all of our students are entitled to a knowledge rich curriculum that prioritises powerful knowledge:
Without powerful knowledge, students will remain dependent on others who do possess this knowledge. We aim to develop resilient, independent and confident learners and young people and our curriculum choices support this.
Powerful knowledge supports creativity and innovation as it allows and encourages students to think in new and unexpected ways; it promotes a love of learning and encourages students to engage fully in academic life.
At Co-op Academy Leeds we focus on:
- Closing gaps, early intervention, and developing the core literacy and numeracy skills for success at each and every level.
- Building confidence, resilience and independence through our curriculum by prioritising and valuing hard work.
- Introducing students to new experiences and powerful knowledge beyond the classroom and outside the academy to broaden their horizons and to prepare them fully for later life.
- Being ambitious for all of our students whilst recognising their individual interests and dreams.
- Curriculum breadth and academic rigour – “Imparting broad knowledge to all children is the single most effective way to narrow the gap between demographic groups through schooling.”
Key Stage 3
Year 7, 8 & 9
Students in years 7, 8 & 9 will follow a wide range of subjects:
ICT/Computer Science
MFL (French, Spanish and Urdu)
Design and Technology
Key Stage 4
Year 10 & 11
In Years 10 & 11 all students will study the following courses:
- Maths
- English
- Science
- Core PE
- RW (Religion and worldviews)
They will have the option to study 4 of the following:
- GCSE Art
- Cambridge National Sport Studies Level 1/2
- GCSE Geography
- GCSE History
- GCSE Computer Science
- GCSE Business Studies
- BTEC Health & Social Care
- VCert Child Development and Care in the Early Years
- GCSE Triple Science
- GCSE Languages
- GCSE Drama
- RSL Dance (GCSE equivalent)
- RSL Music (GCSE equivalent)
- GCSE Food
- VCert Food and Cookery
- GCSE Product Design (which incorporates Resistant Materials, Graphic Products and Textiles)
- GCSE English as an Additional Language
We also offer Level 1 courses for KS4 students.
These are for students who may not be able to gain a qualification at GCSE but will aim to progress to Level 2 qualifications at Sixth Form or College.
Students on these courses are mainly new to English or those with complex Special Educational Needs.
- Performing Arts
- Health & Social Care
- Music L1 RSL
Have questions?
For more information about our curriculum get in touch with Jessica Field, Vice Principal.