Home - School Agreement 2023/2024
Home - School Agreement
Policy details
- Date created - September 2023
- Next review date - September 2024
On our part we will do everything in our power to ensure that students are safe from bullying, harassment or any other danger and that they are allowed and encouraged to make a positive contribution in our learning community.
Furthermore, it will be our absolute priority to ensure that they enjoy all elements of their school life and that they make the maximum academic progress possible. In addition we will strive to ensure that students develop high aspirations and are equipped with the skills and knowledge required for future education, employment or training.
We will always maintain an effective communication partnership with parents and carers, notifying them quickly when concerns arise. Sanctions will be issued for unacceptable behaviour, high levels of unauthorised absence and inadequate applications of effort. In addition we will always look to praise students where appropriate and it will be our intention to ensure that every student who works well at Co-op Academy Leeds will be made to feel valued, appreciated and recognised.
Form Tutor signature:_________________________________Date:___________
The Parent/Carer
I recognise the enormous importance of my role as a parent/carer in supporting my son/daughter to work hard, participate fully in enrichment activities, be positive about learning and ambitious for the future. I will attend each consultation evening and support them in all areas of their school life.
Where issues occur in the Academy, which are a concern to me, I will notify key professionals immediately, and do everything that I can to work in partnership with the Academy to resolve such difficulties. I will play my part in supporting the Academy in implementing all policies approved by the Governing Body.
I will do everything I can to ensure that my son/daughter maintains an exemplary attendance record and that they are equipped with the resources required to ensure that they maximise their progress.
Parent/Carer signature:________________________________Date:___________
Parent/Carer name:___________________________________________
Student Signature:________________________________Date:___________
Student name:____________________________________Form:____________