Dear Resident(s),
We are writing to invite you to attend the Burmantofts and Richmond Hill residents meeting, which will be taking place at 18:00 on Monday 11 March. Leeds City Council services will also be available to raise individual issues at the start of this meeting.
The meeting will be held at:
Ebor Gardens Community Centre, Haslewood Drive, Leeds LS9 7PL
As your local ward councillors, we have organised the meeting to give residents an opportunity to find out more about what’s happening in the area and update everyone on issues of collective concern.
At the upcoming meeting the Deputy Mayor for West Yorkshire (Policing and Crime) Alison Lowe will be attending, followed by services to provide updates: West Yorkshire Police, Leeds anti-social behaviour team (LASBT), property management and city development.
Prior to the start of the formal business of the meeting, several council services will be present and hold open surgeries to answer your individual concerns and any personal issues. The following council officers will be in attendance and able to respond to issues: customer services, housing, repairs, LASBT, and the cleaner neighbourhoods team.
Please find attached a copy of the agenda.
We hope that you will be able to join us, please confirm your attendance or apologies via email to: Baljeet.birdi@leeds.gov.uk
Kind regards,
Councillor Luke Farley, Councillor Asghar Khan, Councillor Nkele Manaka
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