Year 7 Settling In Evening
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Year 7 Settling In Evening Thursday 5th October 2:30pm-6pm
We would like to invite you to attend our year 7 settling in evening to allow you an opportunity to visit your child’s teachers, in their subject areas, to discuss how they have started their time at the Academy and to discuss the key ways in which we can work together to support their progress and development.
There will be a chance to look at our Class Charts merit and behaviour point system, and to meet the attendance team, Progress Leader, Mr B Sleman, and Year Manager, Mr T Hudson. Form tutors will be able to answer any questions that you have about the Academy systems and how your child has started their time at Co-op Leeds.
The evening is also our Open Evening for prospective new students in Year 5 and Year 6, so please also take the chance to look around the academy; there will be activities going on around the academy in subject areas and it is a chance to informally meet teachers.
Appointments will not be made, simply drop into our departments to meet our staff - please advise your child when you are available to attend. You should arrive via student reception.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Jessica Field
Vice Principal