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Year 8 update - February

Dear Family,

Year 8 have been making the most of the opportunities available this half term, with students involved in ‘Into University’, a project aimed at increasing awareness of future destinations. Year 9 have been awarded over 3550 praise points this half term for demonstrating exemplary behaviour - well done! Additionally, over 4000 pieces of home learning were completed by the year group, well done! A reminder that there is home learning due everyday, and the timetable can be found here:


A huge well done to the 19 students who have had 100% attendance half term. A reminder that students need to aim for at least 95% attendance. An attendance of 90% means 117 missed lessons per year, and attendance of 80% means 234 missed lessons per year. 

Uniform and equipment

A reminder that all students should be wearing a Co-op Academy Leeds branded blazer or v-neck jumper; please ensure your child has one of these items to wear. Additionally, on PE days, students need to wear Co-op Academy Leeds branded PE kit - plain black is not an appropriate substitute for this. Uniform items are available from the Jo Brand Uniform shop. 

All students must be equipped with a pencil case containing black pens, red pens, pencils, and a ruler. These items are available to purchase from the academy for a discounted price. 

Academy return

Co-op Academy Leeds reopens on Monday 24th February at 08.15 am. We are looking forward to welcoming your child back into the academy to start another half term of learning! 

Parents Evening

A reminder that parents evening is on Thursday the 13th of March.

Arbor app 

To access your child’s behaviour log, download the Arbor Parent app using the QR codes. With this, you can see attendance information, praise points, and behaviour points. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes,

Mrs Field

Deputy Headteacher