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News and Letters

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  • Hammam sets sights on Medical School After GCSE Success

    Published 26/08/22

    Arriving in Leeds from Libya in 2016, Hammam Taghdi spoke little English, but with the help of his school he’s now an aspiring Doctor, about to start his Biology, Chemistry and Maths A-Levels at College.

    Hammam moved to England with his parents and 4 siblings at the end of primary school. Not being able to speak English fluently, the eldest of 5 struggled initially with the move: “It was a bit difficult at the start. Luckily I had a few people in primary who were from Libya and helped me communicate. I wasn’t fluent and had to get things translated. When it comes to big things like performances you’re expected to understand the culture, but I just didn’t. I’d never heard of Goldilocks!”

    On starting Year 7 at Co-op Academy Leeds, Hammam was initially intimidated by the move, having to adapt to a bigger environment with a lot more people. The Academy put systems in place to support Hammam and other students’ adjusting to life in secondary school, while simultaneously learning a new culture and language: 

    “The biggest support for me was our English as an Additional Language Department (EAL). I was put into the EAL class with other students who were also learning English. We were able to relate and had similar experiences which meant the environment was easier to learn in. When I first came to Co-op Academy Leeds, we had a system called coaching. I was given a ‘coach’ who was also my EAL teacher. They were a huge support and helped me settle into school life.”

    On his GCSEs, Hammam commented on the irony of English turning from his least favourite subject to best, “Of course English was my biggest challenge and up until Year 9 Maths was my favourite. It’s the language of numbers and universally the same. But now I’m fluent, it’s English which is very ironic being that I couldn’t speak the language a few years ago. I put it down to my fantastic teacher, Miss Lister. She’s an incredible teacher, honestly. She’s the head of English and she helped turn it around to be my favourite in about half a year. That’s all it took!”

    Hammam received 10 GCSE’s graded between 5 and 9. He’s now going on to study Biology, Chemistry and Maths at Elliott Hudson College (EHC) with hopes to one day become a Doctor or Surgeon. 

    On Hammam’s success, Miss Lister said, “Hammam is truly inspirational – his dedication and thirst for learning is what has propelled him to being potentially the most successful student in the class. He is never reticent about asking questions and strives for more knowledge and skill always. I only wish he was doing English Literature at A level!”

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  • Leeds GCSE student starts undergraduate studies at 16

    Published 25/08/22

    Co-op Academy Leeds student, Tre’von Gibson, is following his dream of becoming a professional dance performer after accepting a scholarship at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance.

    Tre’von lives in Leeds with his parents and two siblings. He started dancing at the age of 7 and continued to develop a passion for performing arts on the Centre for Advanced Training at NSCD while studying at Co-op Academy Leeds. Now, he’s about to start his undergraduate studies at NSCD, two years early at just 16 years old. 

    Today Tre’von is celebrating his GCSE results, having achieved 8 4-7s, and a Distinction in Music. 

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  • Awards Evening

    Published 14/07/22


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  • Prom 2022​​​​​​​

    Published 13/07/22


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  • Green Tech Challenge

    Published 29/06/22

    Today approximately 40 Y10 pupils took part in the green tech challenge hosted by ‘Ahead Partnership’.

    The session began with an introduction to green tech and what it means. The students discussed what they knew about green tech and shared their ideas out loud. There were some excellent answers and contribution from all pupils and the volunteers were impressed.

    The pupils then had an opportunity to see statistics of some of the greatest problems we face daily when it comes to the environment and they listed many ways in which the school affects the environment and potential ways to mitigate or reduce these problems. 

    Some of the key findings in relation to the school were:

    • Food waste
    • Paper usage and waste
    • Electricity usage 

    Proceeding from this the pupils had an opportunity to combine both business and computer science knowledge to develop and design a mobile application which can help the school and the wider community handle some of the aforementioned issues.

    The session concluded with each group presenting their ideas in front of a panel of industry professionals in both business and digital industries.

    Each student had fantastic ideas and made some excellent contributions out loud in front of the audience. They presented in a very professional manner with excellent team work and followed some of the coop values such as:

    • Succeeding together
    • Do what matters most
    • Being themselves always


    I am extremely impressed with the behaviour demonstrated by this group and how aware they are of current issues surrounding digital technologies and the environment. They have all worked and engaged extremely well with the session and it’s very nice to see.

    One of the volunteers during the session
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  • Beauty and the Beast at the Palace Theatre

    Published 15/06/22

    We recently took students to the Palace Theatre to watch the fantastic Beauty and the Beast the Musical. Students had a fantastic time and loved the experience!

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  • School Newsletter May 2022

    Published 26/05/22
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  • Universify Education

    Published 22/05/22

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  • A trip to Jamie’s Farm

    Published 28/04/22

    Twelve of our Year 8 students recently visited Monmouth in Wales for a residential trip to Jamie’s Farm!

    They had a fantastic opportunity to live and work there for 5 days, discovering all the ins and outs of life on a farm.

    What is Jamie’s Farm?

    “Jamie’s Farm uniquely combines farmingfamily and mindfulness sessions into a 5-day residential with a focus on giving children time and space to reflect, to renew and determine a new path for themselves. We do this by creating an environment where they feel respected, and are given opportunities to display their talents and show responsibility.”

    – Jamie’s Farm

    PE teacher, Miss Skelton said: “The experience for our students was truly unforgettable and for some will have been life changing. Rising to the challenges of farm life and putting the needs of animals before themselves (even before breakfast!) helped students to look beyond themselves and their needs.

    The relationships built with adults and each other encouraged students to be themselves and realise just how fantastic they are. As teachers, we could not have been more proud of our students and we’re delighted that this opportunity is going to be offered to next year’s Year 8!”

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  • Rewards Trip – Climbing​​​​​​​

    Published 19/04/22

    Here are a few photos from our rewards trip.

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  • KPMG Careers Workshop​​​​​​​

    Published 01/04/22

    Bright futures: last week, 25 Year 10s visited Dixons Chapeltown to attend a KPMG careers workshop, KPMG is one of the biggest financial companies in the world! 

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  • Science Week Workshops​​​​​​​

    Published 21/03/22

    We had a wonderful week of welcoming primary students into our school to do science workshops.

    Mr Eastwood demonstrated some awe inspiring experiments using this year’s British science week theme of Growth. We can’t wait to welcome you again soon.

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