Letter home - last week of term
Dear Parent/ Carer,
Thank you for all of your support this half term, we have had a number of really special events and experiences in school, which we will share with you in our half termly newsletter.
Term ends on Thursday 21st December at 15:05 and school reopens on Tuesday 9th January at 08:25.
In January, please remind your child of the importance of being ready to learn every morning; this includes arriving on time with a planner, full pencil case and a school bag. All students must have a school tie - new ties can be purchased for £5 from student reception.
Please see below for some key dates:
Wednesday 20th December: Inflatable sessions in school - all students to attend school in full Co-op branded PE kit
Thursday 21st December: School ends 15:05
Tuesday 9th January: School re-opens to all students
Thursday 11th January Year 11 and Year 9 Parent's Evening - 14:00 - 17:50 School closes at 13:30 to students
ClassCharts will no longer work after the Christmas break as we have moved to a new system for accessing information about your child and for paying for school meals. You will receive information about this when your child returns to school in January.
Key Reminders
The walking bus leaves school from the front entrance at 15:15 every evening with Miss Fox.
The school library is open before and after school every day for students who like a quiet space to work or read.
Students have homework to complete every evening and this can be found in their planners. Please speak with your child about the importance of homework; students who complete regular homework perform better in exams than those who do not.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break with your family and friends and wish you all the very best for 2024.
Yours Faithfully
Miss N Jones
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