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Y11 Revision and Mock Examinations

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As you are aware, Year 11 is an important year for your child with their GCSE exams. To prepare them for this, we will be sitting a set of mock examinations when we return from the February half term. 

The timetable for the February mock exams is below. In some cases, break and lunch times will be adjusted to fit in longer exams - your child will still be able to have their breaks and get something to eat in these times. Breakfast club is also available to every student free of charge from 8am - 8.15am, meaning they can have something to eat before each exam.

It is important that students thoroughly prepare for these exams, as the predicted grades that these create will be used to apply to college and for further study. They should be starting to plan their revision for these exams - further support will be given in tutor time and from their subject teachers. Exams will be conducted under full exam regulations to give a proper experience of exam sitting.

In addition, there are regular revision sessions running in school. These offer a great opportunity to get subject specific support in the run up to the mock exam, and it is really important that your child attends as many of these sessions as they can. There are some students for whom attendance is compulsory for some subjects, and they should go to these sessions as a priority. The timetable for these revision sessions is also below. 

The library is also open to Year 11 students every break and lunch, and after school until 4pm, to provide a quiet space to study. Students should be revising and working in a quiet place free from distractions and giving themselves regular breaks to make sure their revision is useful.

Yours sincerely,

Miss S Walker

Examination Officer