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Literacy Across the Curriculum

Literacy is pivotal to every subject within the school environment and the means of communication academically, socially and emotionally.

All teaching staff are responsible for literacy development whichever subject they teach. We recognise that literacy is both general and specific and that a disciplinary approach is the most valuable. We intend for our students to be able to read, write and communicate effectively in all their subjects and, to that end, we explicitly teach a sophisticated range of vocabulary, use an academic reading strategy to open doors to understanding.

We focus on spelling, punctuation and grammar in every subject  using a green highlighter to signal errors and provide bespoke interventions to support corrections. We are striving to become a school where reading is advocated in every subject, is celebrated and is independent.  Additionally, we promote wider reading around subject topics and actively encourage reading for pleasure as well as progress, through our Accelerated Reader program. Moreover, we promote articulacy in our Quality Oracy strategy, developing students’ confidence in a variety of speaking situations which will prepare them to compete in life beyond education.